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Hareline Senyo's Laser Hair Dubbing

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A fan-favorite since Greg Senyo partnered with Hareline to create this fantastic long-strand dubbing, Senyos Laser Hair Dubbing is one of the most versatile dubbings around. A synthetic dubbing, Senyos Laser Hair Dubbing is a blend of Ice Dub and a combo of .5”-1” acrylic fibers that come together to give a soft and flashy dubbing with various applications. Senyos Laser Hair Dubbing was created from a heartwarming story: Lazer Yarn was a common material used by Senyo that was made in-house by local legend Ed Bordus. After Ed’s passing, Greg wanted to let the legacy live on and he began crafting a synthetic substitute to Ed’s goat-wool Laser Dub--after some trial and error with Hareline, Senyo’s dubbing was born. Laser Dub was immediately recognized as a key component to building an effective steelhead fly, and from there the uses only began to multiply. From dubbed bodies on nymphs, dry flies, emergers, and streamers, to wings on steelhead flies and streamers, and even down to the popular veiled-style streamer heads, this stuff does it all. 



Laser Dubbing is a material with nearly infinite uses and it comes in over 100 colors. While it was designed to tie steelhead flies, Senyos Laser Dubbing has snowballed into a material that can be used for dubbing bodies on dry flies, nymphs, emergers, and streamers, crafting wings on streamers and steelhead flies, veiling dense streamer heads, and it’s even been used to tie a variation of Blane Chocklett’s Game Changer.



Senyo’s Laser Dubbing is a material that few others are exactly like. It shares the length and ability to quickly create volume with sculpin wool, yet it offers an ability to dub fine bodies that sculpin wool just doesn’t. And while Ice Dub has a similar (and much flashier) dubbing profile, it lacks the ability to tie long streamer wings and create the dense veiled heads that Laser Dub can. The bottom line is that there are materials that can do some of what Senyos Laser Dubbing can, but there isn’t any one material that has the exact versatility of this dubbing.


Example Flies

Senyos Laser Hair Dubbing is a material that’s used to tie a ton of different flies, and often, it’s a go-to substitution when you’re thinking on the fly or looking to improve. Ya know, those times when your Hares Ear Nymph just doesn’t sparkle enough, or when you just don’t have it in you to spin the deer hair head on a Muddler Minnow, Laser Dub is there to help. But one pattern that’s known for using Laser Dub is Clark Pierce’s Low Fat Minnow--a popular baitfish pattern that has a Laser Dub head.